Life Update

 I know its been a while since I've been around here but renovating a house with one year old twins takes up more time than you would think (hah!). I've decided to do a life update and then follow that up with a renovation update next week. We are finally close to crossing the finish line, we have been working on that last 10% which seems to take so long (painting, trim work, clean up). Anyhow, onto a life update.
Fall has been amazing in Greenville. We love this city and exploring it with the girls has been so fun. The twins turned 1 at the end of July and lots of happy tears and snuggles happened that day. With all the drama of the past year with their early birth and two month NICU stay (see their birth story here), seeing them healthy and starting to walk (!!!) makes me so grateful for every day. I think that is one of the gifts that hard time gave me, perspective. Nothing really matters besides those you love does it?
We've explored around downtown a lot and the twins are big fans of Spill the Beans ice cream. 
 First donuts for their birthday. Big hit! And these tink and key miracle baby teeshirts which are my favorite. 
 Luke and I snuck to our favorite lake for our first weekend away since the twins were born and it was much needed. I slept 12 hours a night it was amazing. 

 Playtime :-)
 The twins are great at helping us with computer work. 
And one of the best things about being back up in the upstate is Clemson football. I'm not brave enough to take two one year olds to a football game yet but I'm sure its in their near future. I'll be back next week with a renovation update, probably full of way too many pictures.