If you have been wondering where I've been....

I dropped out unceremoniously on you I know. But I had a good reason. These little girls ended up making their debut one day after my last post at 31 weeks. I'm planning on writing up their birth story but just know it was a little scary and we are so very grateful that they are both here and healthy. They did book themselves a stay at the NICU with their early arrival and are still there but are doing amazing. The picture above is them holding hands... they always reach for each other when we hold them together. The sweetest! All the nurses and doctors are such a great support system and are taking such good care of our littles. They are getting bigger each day and hopefully will be home in the next couple of weeks. Mama is having the hardest time because I miss them so much and so camp out at the hospital for as long as they let me. But I'm trying to focus on the fact that this is allowing us to finish the renovation (which of course was not done when they arrived) and letting me recover from my c-section. Trying very hard. 